Tuesday 6 November 2012

Opening Session




Keynote presentation – Objectives and expectations for the conference
Dr Bernard Vallat


Considerations and approaches to animal welfare policy
Mrs Karen Schneider - First Assistant Secretary – Australian Government of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Session 1 – OIE Standards and other initiatives to improve animal welfare globally

Chair: Dr Mark Schipp - OIE Delegate for Australia





OIE animal welfare standards and multilateral trade policy framework

Dr Derek Belton
Head, International Trade Department, OIE

Animal welfare in the multilateral trade policy framework

Dr Martin Appelt

Global NGOs supporting the OIE to improve animal welfare globally

Mr Mike Baker
World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)

OIE standards as a platform for developing EU legislation and bilateral agreement with trading partners

Dr Andrea Gavinelli
Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG-SANCO)

Relevance of animals in research and education and their welfare

Dr Judy MacArthur Clark
United Kingdom

Animal welfare and disaster management

Dr Gary Vroegindewey
Global Health Initiatives

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Session 2 – Progress in implementing the OIE Standards – Stakeholder perspectives and experiences

Chair: Dr Andrea Gavinelli, DG SANCO





Has the management of stray dog populations and rabies control improved since 2008?

Dr Elizabeth Miranda
Asian Coordinator Global Alliance for Rabies Control

Facilitating the use of the OIE standards for
the transport of animals by sea and by land

Mr Jim Paradice
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Australia

Work of industry organisations supporting
the implementation of the OIE animal welfare standards

Dr Vincent Guyonnet
International Egg Commission

Role of Veterinary Services and Islamic Religious Authorities in improving animal welfare at slaughter

Dr Abdul Rahman & Prof. Hassan Aidaros
OIE Animal Welfare Working Group
India and Egypt

Killing of animals for disease control purposes Dr Rebeca Garcia
United Kingdom
Experience of Malaysia with the OIE standards Dr Abd Aziz Bin Jamaluddin
OIE Delegate for Malaysia

OIE animal welfare standards in the legislation - Experience of China

Dr Fei Rongmei
Agriculture University Nanjing
Public-private partnership as a mean to improve animal welfare globally Dr Ann Wilkinson
Safe Supply of Affordable Food Everywhere (SSAFE)

Scientific basis and research needs for animal production standards

Prof. David Fraser
Animal Welfare Working Group Canada

Session 3 – Implementing the OIE Standards – Capacity building and other measures

Chair: Dr Abd Aziz Bin Jamaluddin, OIE Delegate and Director General of the Department of Veterinary Services, Malaysia





Animal welfare – the importance of veterinary legislation
and the role of the veterinary profession

Dr Tania Dennison
Animal Health and Develoment Program - European Commission Delegation to Afghanistan

Animal welfare and the veterinary curriculum

Dr Eric Troncy
Université de Saint Hyacinthe, Canada

Teaching animal welfare in the veterinary curriculum at Nanjing Agricultural University and Tiho Hannover Germany

Dr Joerg Hartung & Dr Endong Bao
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Agricultural University Nanjing

Continuing training and education of graduate veterinarians in animal welfare

Dr Stella Maris Huertas
OIE Animal Welfare Collaborating Centre Chile – Uruguay

The OIE PVS Pathway

Dr Mariela Varas
OIE International Trade Department

Work of Regional Representations supporting the implementation of the OIE standards on animal welfare

Dr Luis Barcos
OIE Regional Representative for the Americas

Jueves 8 de noviembre de 2012

Session 5 – Reports of Working Groups

Chair: Dr David Bayvel, OIE Animal Welfare Working Group, New Zealand



Putting the standards to work – needs and tools, including the role of Regional Animal Welfare Strategies (RAWS) Mr Jim Paradice
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Australia

Involving stakeholders, decision makers and donors in animal welfare

Dr Vivien Kite
International Poultry Council (IPC)

Strategies and tools to strengthen good veterinary governance, including the role of OIE animal welfare focal points

Dr Morosi Molomo
OIE Delegate for Lesotho

Future priorities for research and education in support of OIE standards

Prof. David Fraser
OIE Animal Welfare Working Group, Canada